Irina CUP 2023
IRINA CUP – is the largest international competition in rhythmic gymnastics organized in Poland, widely known and respected by the entire gymnastic world. Undoubtedly, the recognition and popularity of the Irina Cup is also due to the fact that its organizer is a person of great recognition and respect in the gymnastics environment: coach, international and Olympic referee – Mrs. Irina Lortkipanidze. The world’s best players, participants of the Olympics, world championships and European championships regularly participate in the competition. IRINA CUP is the only opportunity in Poland to watch the greatest, masterful presentations of gymnastic routines performed by the best players from around the world!
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Irina Cup, Irina Lortkipanidze, Sport, Warsaw, rhythmic gymnastics CUP_Warsaw_Photo-M.Zbikowski.jpg
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